Top 4 Skills Taught In Preschool Programs

Enrolling your child in a preschool program helps their growth in all development areas: physical, social, language, cognitive, and adaptive. By this time, your child is at least three years old, and they are ready to remain in preschool for about two years before joining kindergarten. 

If your kids are already learning at preschool, or you are about to enroll them, you may wonder what is taught in these programs. Well, here are the top four skills you can expect your child to learn. 

Motor Skills

Preschool programs allow children to master gross motor skills. During play, the teacher incorporates physical activities, such as running, hopping, skipping, balancing on beams, playing with bean bags, and throwing balls. These activities help develop skills like strength, agility, and hand-eye coordination. They also stimulate learning by improving the concentration levels of the child. 

Also, the child develops their fine motor skills through activities, such as drawing, painting, cutting, and gluing. These skills are essential for learning and performing their everyday tasks. For example, they learn and perfect how to develop a pencil grip and form letters.

Social Skills

Preschool allows your child to interact with their peers through play, group activities, discussions, and collaborative learning. In the process, they learn important social skills like how to express themselves, turn-taking, working in teams, and following simple directions. 

The teacher also guides the children on how to resolve conflicts that arise among them. These social skills will not only help them during their preschool years but also during elementary school. 

Language Development

Most of the activities in preschool involve learning through listening. This can be in the form of storytelling, having circle time discussions, listening to rhymes and songs, and playing games. As they listen and engage, they learn new vocabulary and other critical language skills like sentence construction, deciphering the meaning of words, and the use of grammar and tenses. 

By observing their peers and teachers talk, children can also acquire non-verbal skills. They learn to read facial expressions, understand gestures, and interpret tones and postures. Consequently, they can grow up as better listeners and communicators. 

Problem Solving Skills

Problem-solving is one skill that needs to be developed from a young age. Preschool teachers understand this, so they incorporate activities like building puzzles, construction play, and playing board games. 

These problem-solving skills will boost your child's academic excellence, especially in subjects that require critical thinking like Mathematics. They can also apply the knowledge to solve the challenges they encounter in their personal lives. 

For more information, contact a preschool like Montessori School Of Salt Lake Inc.
